Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Are you people seriously this retarded?

"Cure" me? Help me? Have you all lost your fucking minds? Yeah, hi, I've been corrupted by a creature that shouldn't even exist, and you know what? You people are trying to find a cure for something with no basis in our reality. You know what that's called? You get to waste money and resources and time coming up with a big, fat, steaming pile of nothing.

Jesus, I actually stuck my neck out for some of you people. I don't know, maybe you all aren't smart enough to warrant a eulogy. I mean, really. The fuck do you people think this is, a Sylvester Stallone movie where all it takes is one big, climactic scene with a few turret-mounted 50.-cal machine guns and we get to walk into the horizon while the audience is treated to a sunrise?

News flash: We're on the highway to hell. Strap in and enjoy the ride, kids.


  1. You know, I mourned your loss. I never met you.

    A shame, since I have a feeling we would have gotten along famously.

  2. I'll buy you a beer sometime, and then we can have a fight to the death. Sound good?

  3. I'm afraid I don't drink beer. Brandy's more my thing.

    And the fight to the death....depends on the setting.

  4. Fair enough, we'll go to a classy joint that serves that stuff and where the bartenders don't have cottage cheese thighs.

    I've always been a fan of moonlit rooftop knife fights.

  5. So what, you're going to kill us all in increasingly dramatic fashions? Don't make me laugh, Fizz. You couldn't kill someone. Not really.

  6. Actually, the plan is to make it quick and painless. That, or take the frenemy route in between trying to kill you, I'm fine with that, too.

  7. You are not Fizzbomb. The real thing would not have mocked people who want to help her. Be gone, fraud.

  8. And another thing, I never said anything about this being like some action film. I just said I'm not going to give up on you. If you're going to give up on yourself, if you really are Fizz, then go ahead and walk headlong into Hell. Go ahead. Forgive us retarded folk for caring. You sure killed any chance of me caring with one comment.

  9. You guys may be on a highway to hell. But chea. . .immortality is a bitch motherfucker.

  10. I would have to concur with Ron. Anyone who would slap away a helping hand and call the people who offered it "retarded" is no longer worth our time. Fairwell, and best of luck the path you've resigned yourself to.

  11. She's being bitchy, that's all. If we can eventually get her back, we can eventually get her back. If we can't, we can't. Maybe somebody will die. We're all just waiting for that.

  12. Bitchy or otherwise, her words are uncalled for. Spitting in the faces of offers to help and calling them retarded and not worthy of note is just wrong. If we held that attitude, I can list of a few people who would not still be here, or would have gone the way of Core or Zero by now.

  13. I'm calling you people retarded because 1) you're basically trying to meth lab a cure for an eldritch creature's psychic intrusion, 2) you don't have half the funds or access to compounds and facilities for research and development even the most basic pharmaceutical company would have, and 3) you somehow expect yourselves to be able to do something people with millions of dollars in grants and cutting-edge scientific equipment haven't been able to do.

    Tell me the part where that's not a fucking stupid expectation and I'll show you the part where it's total insanity.

  14. So just give and let It have you, then? That sounds just as stupid if not more. Well, if you're not going to resist, then we're not going to put out any effort to help you. We have better things to do with our time and people more deserving to help out.
    Good day. Goodbye. Good riddance.

  15. Now you're getting it. You can't help me, that's not how this happy little fairytale works. You remember what I tried with Nessa? Sure, let's help the little proxy girl. And then shoot her when she falls back under his control and points a gun at my head.

    Trying to help or cure us is a great way to commit suicide. If you want to live another month or two, I suggest you stop and pull your head out of your naieve ass.

  16. As someone formerly under The Black King's control for ten years, I can safely say you are the fool, Fizzbomb.

    Sorry, but leaving comrades and allies behind is not an option. However, if you are not even willing to help yourself, then we have no choice. I believe what Clarice meant by "helping more deserving people" are that her group will turn their attention to helping others who still have the will to resist Him, not some pathetic little girl who doesn't even have the guts to try anymore.

    Yes, let your miserable failure with Nessa cloud your judgment. After all, it's not like anyone else has ever been brought back from that Hell, only they have.


  17. Look on the bright side. You are playing for the winning team now. Who knows, you may even start enjoy all the killing. It helps to be... Creative with your kills. Think of all those Saturday morning cartoon show villains with their insane death traps. You could try making one that actually WORKS. I mean, it would be hilarious to watch a Runner get eaten by flesh-eating Reindeer. And just think of the horrors you could inflict with a little Play-Doh and a LOT of creativity.

  18. Hey, Leaves, if you wanna keep the holier-than-thou act, maaaybe try not typing like you're taking dialogue queues from a villain out of Slayers R.

  19. You know, for all the dismissive remarks and name calling, Fizz, what exactly have you done to resist this hold slimjim has over you?
    If you want to prove it is, indeed, hopeless for others to try to help you, then perhaps you might share with us the measures you took before just giving in and giving up. I think that would work better than calling people 'retarded'.

  20. Unc's got you under his belt, and given my experiences with him I have to say it isn't useless to try. Just be ready to get hit back if you strike out first.

  21. Alright, you fucking morons, leave her the fuck alone. I bloody well mean it.

    Trying to get her back is pointless, name-calling is pointless, and trying to understand the situation of Nessa is pointless. So LISTEN TO ME. If anyone gets a fucking say in this it's me.

    Leave Fizz alone. Let her do the creature's dirty work and treat her like just another proxy. Let bad decisions and mistakes get left behind. We've got more important things to do.

    Fizz.. I loved you. But when you attack, I'll try not to die too quickly.

  22. No, you listen you fucking moron. I just want the facts laid out so that we can put together a more complete picture of the hold Slender Man has over her so that Scott the Cataloguer can file it for a rainy day. Besides which, the faster people realize it's hopeless though given facts the sooner Fizz does get left alone.

    Oh, you bloody well mean it. Come on and make me, then. Just let her do Slender Man's dirty work? Yeah, I don't think so. If she is doing His work, she needs to be stopped. Period.

    Also, you're not entitled to anymore say than anyone else. They're equally endangered here. They all also have a right to be offended at her insults and to shoot back.

  23. @ Jean and Cherub: Don't fight.

    @ Fizz: Well, if this is how you feel it has to be, then fine. Have you learned anything that can be of use in your time under Its power?

  24. Hey, look, I'm sorry. Look, I've just come back from a three month gap, so I've been pretty shaken up lately. Friends, Fizz?
    I still think you're making a huge mistake in turning everyone down, though.

  25. @ Ron: She is. It sounds as if the decision was made from despair, though. The entirety of this last entry sounds as if she thinks we're all going to lose this war for sure.

  26. Alright, everyone just stop it. Let the issue be.
    Cherub, that was very rude.
    @ Pete: Fair question, but she's probably not at liberty to say.
    @ Blake: Not a good time.
    @ Jean: I understand. I'm sorry.
    @ Fizz: Good luck.

  27. Welcome to the ranks, Fizzy-baby. Like Star says, just let yourself grow to enjoy the thrill of the hunt and the kill. It is really something isn't it? To hold a life in your hand and then snuff it out as easily as you would a candle. Come on, babes. Don't try to tell me you didn't enjoy the power you felt over those saps you rubbed out.

  28. So the home team's got itself another player in the dugout. Batter up, Little Miss.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. Sorry, grammar error. Alright, guys, let's just do as Jean asks and back off.
    And Fizz, if you ever come after Clarice, Pete and myself, we'll everything in our power to put you out of your misery much the same as you will be trying for us. I won't die easily, and fight not to die at all. Count on it. That's all I can do.

  31. Hunter: Keep it up with the '20s mob grunt talk and I'll bust your jaw, mate.
    Jean: Oh, don't get me wrong. I still love you, which is why I'm taking the 'don't go within two miles of my friends' route. One's quite enough for me to put a hole in, thank you.
    Pete: Mostly, all I can do is back up Reach's latest revalations--Revenants are bullshit, Big Blue's more than capable of fucking with your head on a large scale--reference my "Night of the Living Proxies" mental episode a while back, it's on Google Cache somewhere--and it ain't peaches to ignore that voice and do your own thing.

    Also, that proxy hierarchy thing? Utter hogwash and bullshit. We're all pretty much the same in Big Blue's reckoning, though we all interpret that intrusion differently. Some of us go the "HURRDURR MASTAR U LUV MEH" route, some go with the caring dear-old-dad nonsense, I'm being a tad more realistic and pragmatic about it all--sure, I've been corrupted by something that shouldn't exist, but odds are I'm shithouse insane anyway so if I get too far down the rabbit hole I'll go find myself a nuthouse to rock back and forth and babble incoherently in.

  32. Welcome aboard, Fizzbomb.

    As for Revenants being "bullshit", quite frankly I'm angry about that. What the hell was the point of going through that,that, ...beatdown?

  33. I know I said I would leave you alone, but is it possible that slim just wants us to think the Revenants don't exist? I hope Reach and you are correct and that those abominations don't exist, but it is entirely possible It just wants to leave us open to some kind of attack.
    I don't disbelieve you, but I think it would also be healthy to stay open to the option that they do exist.

  34. Here's the thing--why would Big Blue potentially open himself up to some serious problems if superpowered people defected like Reach did?

    Let's assume they weren't made up. Now, that would mean that at any given point, if they went rogue, they could run for inhumanly long distances, perform feats of strength most people need to train a lifetime to perform (and often with an inappropriately-proportioned body for such a feat), and they're going around killing people loyal to the boss. That's the sort of thing you would find splayed all over the tabloids, which would rouse suspicion when it starts spilling over into legit, if lesser-known, news sources. Domino effect that, and the Revenants' existence would cause widespread awareness of Big Blue's existence, which, for some reason, doesn't seem to be on his to-do list.

  35. All very true. Though... What if Raymond's defection was intended by It?

  36. @ Pete: I was actually about to suggest that.

    Well, no matter the truth, though, I'm taking out a "be ready for anything, absolutely anythng" policy where stick is concerned.

  37. Glad to see you're still doing well, Maduin. You need to show me that $20 trick sometime, I get a chuckle out of thinking about Big Blue standing there brain-locked even now.

  38. I dunno about everyone else, but I'm up for a "climactic scene with a few turret-mounted 50.-cal machine guns". Maybe even the sunset part as well.
